Saturday, July 26, 2008

He's Home!

Yesterday evening, the doctors told us last night that Hudson did not need to return to the hospital if we had his blood drawn early each morning this weekend, so one week after transplant surgery, Hudson came home for good. Last night was a wonderful celebration for us as a family and it has been exciting to see our son continue to recover well today after a few good naps. I'd write more but both Kristi and I are completely exhausted as Hudson was up every half hour last night, but we'll fill you in with more details soon. I hope the pictures say enough! At least you can know that he's starting to eat more, he's already crawling again, though a bit slower than usual, he took his first bath, and he's still the sweetest kid in the world. We are truly blessed by God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't help but chuckle to see Hudson's reaction to his bath. He obviously had no idea how much joy this brought to you and Kristi. Praise the Lord for all He has done through you, and everyone that has been touched by your journey since Hudson's birth. God has certainly accomplished much to His glory in his life, and he's only 2! How much more will we see Him do through Hudson/your family as he grows. How great is our God!Connie & Ron Gorrill