General updates on the Vankers:
Donny survived camp with Ty and Rustin - they all had a fantastic time and saw many students have a life-changing time listing to God's Word.
Ty is starting kindergarten on Tuesday! We found out just over a week ago that he has an opportunity to attend a small Christian school (12 kids in his kindergarten class) that is just two minutes from our church, so Donny can drive him in every morning on his way to work. Ty is EXTREMELY excited about learning how to read and making new friends and this is a real answer to prayer for us in that the school he was registered for would only have class time for 2.5 hours a day and his new school will be a full-day of learning which he is ready for.
Rustin will be missing Grandma Kerns as she just left this morning for Chicago. We are incredibly thankful for all of her help these last two months and we really could not have survived without her. Love you, Mom! Can't wait to see you again. Also, Rustin will be assuming the "big brother" role during the day when Ty is at school. He wishes he could go to school too, but he'll just have to wait at least for another year.
Bailey is fantastic, always quick to give Daddy a smile and be the best baby in the world for Mommy during the day. She's started to eat rice cereal, or at least she lets us put it in her mouth; she doesn't seem to like it much yet, but she still has a good attitude about it! Check out the video below!
Kristi wanted to thank you all for all of your prayers and encouragements. Your messages, even the ones on Facebook, have been super encouraging to her as this time has been very stressful for her. She is still mostly home-bound with Hudson's care (he's had diarrhea 10+ times again today) and will be adjusting to life without help from her mom and with Ty at school as of Tuesday. These are HUGE changes for her, so please continue to pray for help and peace.
Finally, Hudson is still doing great. He is making up for lost time in his speaking, talking NON-STOP from morning until night. He can say his ABC's and count up to 20, though he typically will not do much upon request. We will be postponing his physical therapies for a little while until things are stabilized more for him and our family, but he still has many appointments to deal with. We desperately want him to be able to walk and it seems that he now shares our desires as he talks about it and is highly motivated to move, even crawling across our gravel driveway to go explore outside. His clonus has practically disappeared, so thankfully he no lunger has the uncontrollable tremors as he recently did, thankfully. Please keep praying for his legs as it will open up his life dramatically if he can move as he wants. Also, please pray for his surgery on Tuesday as the doctor will be removing a kidney shunt through his bladder. It's not a big deal, but he'll still go under general anesthesia and will be quite sore.
Donny and Kristi